Basically something like the fresh made peanut butter cookies with peanuts in them must have had a shell. The shell irritated my upper intestine and Friday I had IBS clean-out. I stopped it with Florastor which unknown to me, captured most but not all of the unprocessed and very sharp shell pieces and then bonded to an intestinal wall, creating a blockage. Meanwhile the other pieces came down and when I decided to go to the bathroom for dump o the day on Tuesday what came out instead was blood. I had to find and isolate the pieces, then help the blockage to leave the intestinal wall, have that come down, which opened up all the cuts and fissures as the blockage was processed through. Boring, and embarrassing stuff. Also puts a crimp in reading all the yaoi when I have to have my fingers/hand up my own ass all the time. Little less ‘fun fantasy’. Ow.
So, let us forget that and return to normal gothness where I am the magic goth girl who doesn’t sweat, and of course never would fart or eat and is always pale and like a vampire gets my nutrition through drinking...the blood of virgins!

I wanted to show you my pre-Halloween travel plushie, which is the Skelanimal Diego, the Bat.

Also in Hawaii I did get one loot for me. I was talking in the market with the woman whose uncle brought in jade for her to sell. She and her father and grandfather had been connected to the Big Island and Plantations for many generations. Her father had lived here and retired here. Her uncle and cousins came and went. She sold mostly bracelets of symbols – Hawaiian Petroglyphs with different meanings. I will let you get which one I got and post the picture of it next time (a prize for anyone who gets it!). I noticed this one item which was very different than the rest. It was, she said, Ivory, and for the women. Here it is.

It turns out it is the last of her Father’s lifetime collection. She sold most of it to a dealer or two but had this left over. I could not understand what was wrong with it that they should leave it behind. I ended up talking to the dealer who bought much of the collection and the Father had collected EROTIC snuff bottles of (I am somewhat guessing the date) 1770-1850. This was not erotic (of which I have no interest in carved erotic snuff bottles) and for woman, not men, smaller and thus left behind.

So that was my ‘loot’ – since I had to bring it back to Canada, I did not publish this while I was in Hawaii (not sure the rules on old Ivory). It is Ivory which I am against the killing of animals now for Ivory, but would not pass up a nice scrimshaw piece if I saw on in a garage sale. This being a snuff bottle of an upper class female from Asia was too much of a connection to my heart to say no. I think it is beautiful.
With fall and autumn here, those of us with chronic illness’ take our pleasures as ‘small pleasures’, the energy to have a cup of coffee out of the house, the ability to go out and see something.

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