SO! In celebrating that curiosity, I've decided to post each week what I've picked up at the comic shop. Sometimes it's new stuff. Sometimes it's old stuff. Sometimes it'll be back issues or the same ol' thing I got 4 weeks ago. Whatever the case is, here's what I got at the shop this week (lemme know if you wanna borrow anything):
MUPPET SHOW: THE TREASURE OF PEG-LEG WILSON #4 - Missed this when it came out last week. And I got THIS cover, too! Roger Langridge!
IMAGE UNITED #1 - As if being written by Kirkman, who I love, wasn't enough, this bastard is drawn by a bunch of different guys within the same panels. I can't wait to see what this oddball looks like! And it might even be a great read! Ahhhhhhhh!
ULTIMATE AVENGERS #4 - I REALLY don't like the taint-expose pose on characters. Even still, I caved in and grabbed the first 3 issues of this for-fun book a couple weeks ago in time to grab this new TODAY.
SPARKY O'HARE - I fell in love with the creator known as Mawil after We Can Still Be Friends earlier this year and then bought Beach Safari. So I was surprised to see this new title from Blank Slate new in the store this week - especially since I didn't see it on the ship lists I study before hitting the store each week. This is exactly why browsing is fun!

CRIMINAL: THE SINNERS #2 - What am I gonna do? NOT buy the new book by Brubaker and Sean Phillips? Pffft. SOLD.
IKIGAMI VOL. 3 - This manga series about the government choosing someone at random to kill each day in order to shock the populace into a more fervent life has had me hooked since I saw volume 1 in solicits forever ago. I didn't even know volume 3 was due out today! This is one of those books that people who are afraid of reading manga should definitely check out. You're warned. Viz Signature are some quality-ass guys.
SYNCOPATED VOL. 1 - I really meant to grab this about 94 times in my life and never did. Walking over to the checkout line today, it caught my eye again, so I snagged this sweet little anthology book from 2002 (that was almost 8 years ago, people!) featuring guys such as James Kochalka, Nate Powell, Ivan Brunetti and many more. Solid, clean stuff. And I can finally mark it off my "to buy" list.
How about you guys? Get anything good?
(Quick disclaimer: I borrow a LOT of stuff from Ben each week from Marvel, I don't always buy single issues of the Marvel books. And I get everything from DC, WildStorm, Vertigo, and Zuda for free, so I never really buy anything from them unless I'm picking up for somebody else. So don't take my exclusion of DC stuff as a sign that the books aren't good. They are. So there.)

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